ALIVE! Core Skills Monthly Workshop

Knife Fighting

ALIVE! Core Skills Monthly Workshop

"One system, all weapons."

Join us for our monthly ALIVE! Core Skills Workshop in Fort Worth, where we'll embark on a four-hour journey of life-saving instruction!

This class was designed for those who can not make it to our Regular Weeknight Classes or just for those who can't get enough training.

Each month we will broaden your combative skill set in the knife, pistol, and empty hands disciplines.

We will review the seven most common personal defensive scenarios that you may face. Then each month we will deep dive into one of those topics ranging from the very common stranger approach, all the way to ground fighting with and against weapons. Each month we will cover a different topic following a spiral learning plan allowing us to build real self defense skills fast. Spending a portion of each workshop on knife, empty hand and firearms, truly living up to the motto of: "One system, all weapons". These workshops are great for beginners and advanced students no matter your martial art background, or lack of, because we will build upon what you already know.

We will provide training knives and safety gear.

We are located inside Texas Defense Academy.
Texas Defense Academy
8808 Camp Bowie West Blvd #110
Fort Worth, TX 76116


Getting Up

Core Workshops - Fort Worth

Location: Fort Worth, Texas.
Date: Next dates to be announced soon!
Time: 1pm – 5pm
Cost: $40

Also check out our weeknight schedule:

We are located inside Texas Defense Academy.
Texas Defense Academy
8808 Camp Bowie West Blvd #110
Fort Worth, TX 76116

There will be a limited space so you must be registered in order to participate! Facebook and Meetup will not count!

For more information visit our Facebook Event Page or Contact us!

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